"Equipping you to Live Life Abundantly & Leave a Lasting Legacy"
To ignite a movement -- to create a community of individuals & families informed about their end-of-life care & pre-planning options, people engaged in developing solid plans to leave lasting legacies & equipped to live life abundantly!

Kandice Jacobs Robinson,
Chief Caregiving Officer

What is a lasting legacy?
Your lasting legacy is the lasting impact of your life. Everyone will leave a legacy, but the question is this:
Will your legacy be a long-standing, positive impact? Or, will you simply leave a mess?
Will you complete advance healthcare directives so that, if you become incapacitated, your loved ones can honor your choices? Or, will relationships be splintered between your children, between your spouse and in-laws, because of disagreement over what you would have wanted?
Will you sacrifice now and secure life insurance or at least burial insurance? Or, will others be left swiping credit cards to pay the bill?
Will you sacrifice and spend the money to have an estate plan (e.g., last will & testament, trust) executed on your behalf — to protect what you want to leave for your loved ones? Or, will more of your hard earned money have to be spent on legal fees in probate court?
Plan Now?
Pay more later?
Let’s life plan together — just get it done now, so you can get on with the joys of living!

“Just because what you’re doing is good [or godly] doesn’t mean things will be easy. You must persist.”
- Dr. Willie Jolly
This is precisely what I have had to do to bring this important program back to you. So, I am grateful for the return of the Lasting Legacies: 2024 Life-Planning Conference for a 5th year! Click play to hear my story of perseverance & then visit lastinglegacies2024.eventbrite.com to learn about how you too can be equipped to leave a lasting legacy!
#frompaintopurpose #lastinglegaciesmovement #LetsLifePlanTogether #caregiversupport #sandwichgeneration #prepare4peace #letsgo