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Lasting Legacies: Caregiver Care Package

Lasting Legacies: Caregiver Care Package


The Lasting Legacies: Caregiver Care Package is a premier subscription box designed specifically with the caregiver in mind and featuring contents which promote self-care and a proactive mindset in planning for the future. The first care package available in this line has been branded for caregivers of those living with Alzheimer's disease & dementia, in honor of our CEO & C.hief C.aregiving O.fficer's mother, Gloria Jacobs (who cared for her husband and Kandice's father, Willie Jacobs, and who served as a care partner for Kandice's maternal grandmother, Mae Eva Howell, who both bravly lived with dementia for many years). 


Taking the wholistic needs of the caregiver into account, each care package will include a surprise variation of the following contents to attend to the physical, emotional, spiritual and pre-planning needs of the caregiver:

  1. "Just The Essentials" Care Package - just the basics care package, detailed description coming soon "
  2. "Get Your Shine Back!" Care Package - our intermediate package, detailed description coming soon
  3. Lux Care Package - our deluxe care pacakge, detailed description coming soon!
  4. Lasting Legacies Swag Gear: *products with statements branded by KJC to affirm, encourage & empower the 53 million U.S. caregivers; detailed description, photographs & pricing coming soon

  • apparel: t-shirt or hoodie 

  • mug 

  • pen & caregiver journal: Traditional Caregiver Journal,  Caregiver Planner, Deluxe Caregiver Journal 

  • Final Orders

    All sales are final. The seller will however make reasonable accommodations for any damaged contents. For those who indicate a monthly or quarterly subscription, you will receive an email invoice first for fulfillment of the next order upon payment. We know that you have a hectic life as a caregiver and/or care partner, thus our flexible subscription policy relieves you of the burden of having to remember to call us by a stringent, pre-determined cancellation date.

  • Shipping & Receipt of Orders

    Please be sure to include the shipping address for the care package recipient. NOTE: CURRENTLY, SHIPPING IS ONLY BEING OFFERED TO THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES: SC, VA, WV, NC, MS, AK, TN, FL, GA, AL, KY & LA, AS WELL AS TX. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we ask that you check back often as we hope to extend shipping coverage to the entire continental US in the future. The deadline for fulfillment & shipment of all first orders (one-time gift purchases) by our company is the 30th of the same month on all orders placed by the 5th day of that month. Again, this fulfillment & ship date can only be kept if you place the order and make final, successful payment by the 5th day of the month. If there is any unexpected challenge regarding order fulfillment or unavoidable hindrance to meeting this delivery deadline, you will receive timely communication from one of our customer service representatives. Please be advised that receipt dates on all packages will be considerably delayed due to COVID-19 and national restrictions impacting the US Postal Service.

  • Customer Response Time

    We always look forward to hearing from you and meeting your needs as a valued customer! However, note we are currently a small enterprise. Therefore, we ask that you please allow 24-48 hours for one of our customer service representatives to respond to you. In addition, expect that all email or phone inquiries, sent by our customers over the weekend, will be handled within the same 24 - 48 hour timeframe, beginning the upcoming work week (i.e., Mon. - Fri., 9:00A - 5:00P EST). Thank you for your understanding as we grow!

"I ordered the care package for a friend of mine that cares for her husband. She was so overwhelmed with emotions, that it had me scared. I later realized that she absolutely loved the care package and the simple thought of being thought about. We have to take care of the care givers in our life and reassure them that they are not forgotten about. Thank you KJC for this extraordinary gift and the light you are providing to caregivers." - Christina Jones

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© 2015 - 2024 by Kandice Jacobs Creations, LLC. All Rights reserved. No portion of the copy, ideas, illustrations, images, recordings or photographs may be copied, transferred, transmitted or otherwise reproduced without the express written consent of Kandice Jacobs Robinson, CEO of Kandice Jacobs Creations, LLC.

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