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Lasting Legacies Relaunch: Inspired By You

Do you know your purpose? Well, through many winding roads and various life experiences -- some painful beyond articulation and others which have been beyond all that I could ask or think -- I have discovered mine! My purpose, in this current season of life (at least), is "to equip other caregivers, the ill and bereaved to still live life abundantly and leave lasting legacies." Frankly, after the past almost year, the need for fulfillment of this purpose couldn't be greater...

You see, I was literally struck by this stark truth last Tuesday night. I was moved to tears, as I watched the memorial held in our nation's capitol in honor of the 400,000 lives lost to COVID-19, and I listened to one of our front-line healthcare workers sing, "Amazing Grace" (just as she did for countless COVID patients as they lay dying). Like so many of you, throughout the course of this pandemic, I have felt as if I am walking around in a lingering state of unresolved grief.

Still, as painful as this loss of human life continues to be, I am by nature a doer -- someone who creates positive change; and, I am willing to do so from the ground up if necessary. As a result, for several days following, I found myself pondering these thoughts:

"What can I personally do to help bind the many hurting hearts?" and "What can I do to equip others to also effectively serve the bereaved -- those literally reeling from such overwhelming, deeply personal loss?"

It was not until Saturday, as I connected via FaceTime to a vision board party -- hosted by a group of sister/friends -- that I received the answer to my questions. While on the line, one of these dear ladies excitedly exclaimed she wanted to share her vision board with me. I said, "okay" -- genuinely intrigued, but NEVER EVER could I have imagined what she was about to reveal...Astonishingly, she began with, "My entire vision board is about you!" She then explained that she cut out excerpts from literature provided at my 2018 Life-Planning Conference, and she was outlining her 2021 goals to finalize her dad's end-of-life care plan. She genuinely shared how I had inspired her; and, she reminded me of my mission statement. Reading it into everyone's hearing, she re-introduced me to my own words:

"I am on a mission to create a generation of proactive, responsible individuals -- who are committed to developing a solid plan for their loved ones -- for the day when they can no longer provide care and support."

If this was not encouragement enough, she followed-up with these soul-stirring remarks via text message later that evening:

Although my 2021 strategic plan outlined the relaunch of my blog under its new name -- the Lasting Legacies blog series -- in March, I realized after receiving this touching testimonial that the time to re-launch is now!

I was reminded of the urgent nature of my mission & vision; and, when I saw a photo of the accompanying illustration for my first published article on her vision board, I had the answer to my own questions.

I instantly knew what I could do to help those who are hurting right now. I had only to share the expertise I have already gained regarding grief. Therefore, I invite you to subscribe to my blog and receive the most recently published blog posts delivered directly to your inbox! In-fact, later today I will release the first segment of my major, two-part grief series, entitled "Weep With Those Who Weep..."

In Part I, I make it clear that the ability to “bring our whole self” to the service of the bereaved is achievable through spiritual and mental preparation. It is achievable through following a specific example...

While in Part II, I focus-in on the practical do's & don'ts of ministering to the needs of the grieving.

Have I successfully informed you also about your end-of-life care & pre-planning options? If yes, I am asking for your support in the following:

1.) WRITE A TESTIMONIAL about your specific experience @ OR LEAVE A GOOGLE REVIEW.

2.) BECOME A SITE MEMBER, join the "Lasting Legacies" Mailing List @, [see bottom of page] TO RECEIVE UPDATES & DISCOUNTS for programs & new products soon-to-be-launched/released, for example:

  • A limited time, 30% discount on our exclusive Lasting Legacies Caregiver Journal upon its release AND

  • 50% OFF for the complete recordings of the 2021 Lasting Legacies Life-Planning Conference



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